David Keenan Announces Debut Album


Initially scheduled for a summer release, David Keenan’s first album - “A Beginners Guide To Bravery” - will be released on Rubyworks on Friday 10th January 2020. The first taste of the record comes on Friday 13th September, with the release of ‘Tin Pan Alley’, accompanied with a video shot live in Hellfire studios in the Dublin mountains. 

Of ‘Tin Pan Alley’, David says:

“‘Tin Pan Alley’ came to me many moons ago. In a foreign flat, the thoughts of my daily reprieves flooding my head. Namely, walking the streets of London in the pissings of rain, absorbed by the narrow cobbled streets whose only purpose it seemed to me was to lead a man to another point of bewildered fascination.

The atmosphere thickened at night and from the cigarette smoke and fog came wordsmiths and melody men whose names had long since been lost, save for a yellowed newspaper article I’d found in a drawer of my digs, interminably waiting for a God or a Godot or a lost lover to dance that last slow dance before the sun woke up.

That’s what I was seeing as the song revealed itself. That’s what I see now, except the faces have changed. I was alone in reality, but in the song I was not.”

A Beginner’s Guide To Bravery starts with the release of ‘Tin Pan Alley’ on Rubyworks on Friday 13th September.